Kallisti Proposers Day

When:  Feb 7, 2025 from 09:00 to 16:00 (ET)
Associated with  DARPAConnect

DARPA will host a Proposers Day in support of DARPA-PS-25-06, Kallisti program on February 7, 2025, at the Executive Conference Center, 4075 Wilson Blvd. Suite 300, Arlington, VA 22203, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. EST. The purpose of this conference is to provide information on the Kallisti program; promote additional discussion on this topic; address questions from potential proposers; and provide a forum for potential proposers to present their capabilities for teaming opportunities.

PROGRAM OBJECTIVE AND DESCRIPTION: The objective of the Kallisti program is to develop an algorithmic model of adversarial platform situational awareness and predict future behavior. The program will seek to combine algorithms with human expertise to explore, in a modeling and simulation environment, potential courses of action in national security scenarios with far greater breadth and efficiency than is currently possible. Kallisti seeks to provide decision-makers with more options for incentive frameworks while preventing unwanted escalation. The program will seek not only to understand an actor’s current strategy but also to find a decomposed version of the strategy into relevant basis vectors to track strategy changes under non-stationary assumptions.


Dr. Eric Davis
